"ToutenFluo et phospho" was an exhibition
of the Fluorescent Artwork of Michele Delage and Nick Padalino in Geneva,
Switzerland. The show was
in the Art Gallery "Les Allumes" in Carouge, an artist's district of Geneva,
from Feb. 1-26, 2000.
The opening was a special multi-media
event with the combination of the exhibition, which is two rooms with twenty-seven
pieces of Fluorescent Art in the
forms of paintings, sculptures/environments, and mobiles displayed under
Black lights (U.V.), along with
a demonstration of Fluorescent Minerals given in Long Wave and Short Wave
Ultraviolet, a
continuous video presentation of
"Electric Lady" Art Gallery and "Electric Ladyland - the First Museum of
Fluorescent Art"
in Amsterdam, and finally, a three-hour
session of live painting on a large cotton mural,
that was hand-sprayed on the floor
under the Black lights.
The following photographs are first
of "Les Allumes" Art Gallery.Ý Next, there are photographs of Fluorescent
selected from the show.
The following pieces of Art are
by Michele Delage: "Le jardin d'amour," "Coucher de Soleil," "Sit Enjoy,"
"A traver la fenetre," "Om," "Point
Pleasant," "Papier peint," "Papier peint 1/90," "Peinture sur papier de
riz et soie" (2),
and "Impressions du jardin de giverny."Ý
"Surprise Phosphorescent Box" is by Michele Delage and Nick Padalino,
shown in the White light, under
it's Black light, and in Phosphorescence.
The last photos are of one of the
Fluorescent Mineral Demonstrations given in Les Allumes Art Gallery,
the Live Fluorescent Painting Session
which was held on the Opening night of the Exhibition,
and the artists during the Opening.
Special Thanks to Yannick, "Moe-Moe,"
Patrick, Sophie, and all the nice people at "Les Allumes" whose names
I've forgotten, Denis - who started
the whole trip to Switzerland, Germain, and especially to Arnaud.Ý
"The Love Garden"
Michele Delage - White light (left) / Black Light
"Sit & Enjoy"
Michele Delage
"Coucher de soleil"
Michele Delage - White light (left) / Black Light
(middle) / Phosphorescence (right)
"Phosphorescent Surprise Box"
Michele Delage and Nick Padalino - (White light)
"Phosphorescent Surprise Box"
Michele Delage and Nick Padalino - ( Black Light)
"Phosphorescent Surprise Box"
Michele Delage and Nick Padalino - (Phosphorescence - 'Glow-in-the-Dark')
"A travers la fenetre"
Michele Delage - White light (left) / Black Light
Michele Delage - White light (left) / Black Light
"Impressions du jardin de Giverny"
Michele Delage - White light (left) / Black Light
Fluorescent Mineral Demonstration
Live Fluorescent Painting Session
Opening night, February 3, 2000
The Artists during the Opening
"Electric Ladyland - the First
Museum of Fluorescent Art"
Tweede Leliedwarsstraat 5, 1015
TB Amsterdam, Holland
Tel/fax:Ý (0031) - 020 - 4203776
Email:Ý electriclady21@hotmail.com
Ý www.electric-lady-land.com
All Artwork, Photographs, and
Text: ©Nick Padalino, 1999-2004